This is my first drawing in FREHAND class that I appreciate. For me, it's an achievement because for the first time I've drawn a real toy of HELLBOY which for me is very difficult. I think this is my third trial for this plate and I've drawn it somehow better than the first two trials. It is very difficult because you need to have the correct proportion and details. My professor said that it still should be drawn again because in some part the proportion is still not correct.
This is just a simple box that contain a cat inside. This two picture is two different plate of this box. this one in the left is the first plate that you need to only draw the major details seen in this box. Another thing is that you should also show the correct details proportion and perspective. The one below is the plate that you need to show every single details that the box show. You also need to to do it in two different perspective the one that showing the front side and the one that showing the back side of the box. In this plate below you still need to show
correct perspective, proportion, and details of the box.
In this two picture, the harder is the one in the right side because it is more specific and complicated because you also need to show the japanese characters in the box.
This is a plate that you need to show different type of shading which is the pointerism and the hatching. The hatching is the easier type of shading in showing the direction of light and different layers of darkness to show the 3-dimension of the figure. The hatching is that you would continuously cross hatch the layer to show different darkness and lightness of each part to show the direction of light and what the object look like when it is hit by the light. The pointerism is another style of shading like cross hatching but using point to show shade and light direction
This plate is another one of the hardest plate in FREHAND. It is because it is a stuff-toy and it somehow irregular shape in some part that is lean to another object. Another thing is that the shadow of the object is not that much visible. Another thing that hard on this plate is the mouth of PERRY that is really hard to made in the correct perspective along with the body. Lastly, is the proportion that really gives me a hard time because it is really hard to know if you already obtained the correct proportion of the body mouth, height, hat, and even the tag.
These four plates of digimons are the model that I choose to draw because of the reason that they are cute. Beemon is one of my favorite, it is the third one in the top images, it is my favorite because for me this it one of the cutest drawing I ever made and I enjoy doing the Beemon. While the most difficult for me is the gaomon, it is because of the details needed in the drawing. Another about gaomon is that I don't finished it with a correct proportion in every parts. In its eyes the one the right is bigger than the one in the left. It is also difficult because of the perspective.
These two plates for me is the hardest among all the plates that was made in the whole term. These two plates should follow correct proportion, perspective and correct detail which is very difficult to do. For me, drawing a robot is one of the most detailed and most difficult plate to do. In spite that it has so many details is that in every details you still need to follow the correct perspective and proportion which is really hard thing to do. these two plates almost took me a very long time in drawing and repeating it to make it more accurate and near to the reference model.
This is one of the hardest plate I ever had. In this box contains 36 dice which is very difficult to draw starting from the clear container especially the height and proportion of the container. another thing is that how you would draw the dice in an equal size measurements while following the correct perspective. Another is how you will shade each corner of the dice while showing the light that reflects for each corner. Another thing that is really hard is how will you make the dice looks that they are really stack into each other. It is really hard but very interesting.